34 results for author: Emi Matsumoto

Berkeley Half Marathon Mile-by-Mile Series: Mile Three

Mile two is through, so grab a sip of water from our friends at the Sports Basement Aid Station and then consider checking out their store off Milvia. While no longer underground, Sports Basement managed to set up shop in an historic Berkeley Landmark, the old ice-skating rink, Iceland. No longer frozen, at night you can still ... More

Berkeley Half Marathon Mile-by-Mile Series: Mile Two

As we pass Oregon and head left and up Russel – YIELD TO TRAFFIC IN CIRCLE (that’s you, you’re the traffic) – kick it into low gear because you’re beginning about a mile’s worth of ascension. It’s less dramatic than a beautiful hike through the many paths of Tilden Regional Park (just in front of you as you head ... More

Running with a Team

Dr. Lisa Gonzales is a 2019 Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon Ambassador, and a 7-time pacer for the Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon and 5-time pacer for the Biofreeze Berkeley Half Marathon. She is a head coach for South Bay RUN365 club and is USATF certified. As rewarding as it is, running can often be a very insular sport ... More

Train Smarter with Guidance and Insight with the Fitbit Ionic

As people are becoming more conscientious on improving and maintaining their health, the advancements in technology allow us to assess our own health status by data-tracking information right through our smartwatches. Admittedly, I try to keep the bells and whistles in my life to a minimum but the more I used my Fitbit ... More

“Ready to Run” (…Despite the Wildfires)

Written by Scott Benbow Scott Benbow is a 2018 Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon Ambassador This past autumn, the devastating fires in Paradise, California claimed the lives of many while uprooting families and destroying property. Having lost loved ones, property, and pets, it will be years before some of the survivors ... More

Making Running A Personal And Community Adventure

Four months after running her first marathon at the Biofreeze SF Marathon, Katie Burns took 39 minutes off her personal best at CIM. The marathon is an event like no other, one where elites and the everyday runners challenge their minds and bodies for 26.2 unrelenting miles together on the same course. Each runner’s story ... More

#TrainingTipThursday: How to Recover After a Race

As we are approaching the end of year, many of us are already planning out our race schedules for the upcoming year along with a new set of goals to reach for. There are many, however, who are focused in on the final races for the year and trying to close out the running season with a bang! With that, it’s important that ... More

#TrainingTipThursday: 10 Best Recovery Foods for Runners

As runners, there are a lot of considerations that we have to manage consistently in order to develop into stronger athletes; our weekly mileage, adequate quality sleep, strength training, etc. One of the the most overlooked aspects of being a runner is how we view our nutrition. There is a prevailing belief that because ... More

#TrainingTipThursday: How To Run Faster

You know those workouts: the lung-searing runs where conversational pace turns into 1-2 word gasps at most. There’s no denying that speedier types of running are tough but also, a necessary evil when we’re trying to reach new levels as runners. How do we know which workouts to do and at which paces? How do we know how ... More

#TrainingTipThursday: Half Marathon Pacing Strategy

Are you ready!? The Biofreeze Berkeley Half Marathon is only 3 weeks away. We hope training has been going well and you are confident when you toe the starting line on November 18th. There are a lot of things to think about when covering the half marathon distance: what to wear, what to eat, what to drink, etc. One of the ... More