A plus-size Black woman in athletic clothes celebrates post-run. Am I a runner? Yes, you are!

“Am I Really a Runner?” Yes. If You Run, You are a Runner

Running has remained one of—if not the—most accessible outdoor exercises since it became a popular sport and recreational activity around the 1960's. (Of course, running existed before the 1960's. However, after it stopped being necessary for the sake of survival and before it experienced its rebirth in the 20th century, people who ran ... More

A young woman is running in bad weather on snowy trails.

Running in Bad Weather: 6 Tips to Help You Stay Safe

As winter tries to hold onto its power, the season of rain, wind, hail, and snow might start taking its toll on many runners' training schedules. Now that the New Year high has worn off, it might be harder to stick to running, especially when the weather takes a turn for the worse. On top of that, many runners are starting new training plans ... More

A man in a hat and wrapped in a blanket sits at a table. How to avoid illness

How to Avoid Illness During the Cold Season

January is here and February is about to start rounding the corner. With these months, winter has well and truly settled in together with the cold season. Getting sick really puts a damper on your plans for, well, everything, but especially for your fitness goals. And while it may seem impossible to dodge the occasional cold, flu, or someth... More

Santa is getting in his holiday running on a treadmill

Holiday Running: How to Balance Your Fitness this Holiday Season

Happy Holidays! Even though we should be in a deep state of rest, there’s usually a lot on everyone’s mind when the Season is upon us. People travel to see family they might only get to see this time of year. They go from store to store or website to website scouring for the best deals and perfect gifts for everyone on their Christmas ... More

Runner on a Christmas morning: shoes or gadgets are great gifts for runners

Gifts for Runners: Please the Runners in your Life this Holiday Season!

Some love it, some loath it; for some it comes easy, and for others it’s their crucible. However, no matter where on this spectrum you fall, chances are there's a list of people you need to give presents to this Holiday season. You might want to shop for someone else or just share some inspiration; in either case, this article can help you ... More

Go from a 10K to a half marathon at the Berkeley Half Marathon, BHM startline with runners ready to take on the race

10K to Half Marathon: 5 Tips to Step Up the Distance

You’ve been running for a while now. You can crush a 5k and even 10k races are becoming routine. The natural question comes: what’s the next step? Training to run a half marathon at Berkeley could be just the challenge you’re looking for. While the idea of doubling the distance of a 10k might sound daunting, it is entirely achievable ... More

Bay Area Challenge: How to Take Your Berkeley Experience Further

The 2023 Berkeley Half Marathon is well and truly over. The event attracted thousands of runners, and thousands more people came to enjoy the race atmosphere and cheer them on. As runners rest and recover after achieving their goals, the urge to keep training and conquer another challenge sets in. Many start to ask, What’s next? Of course, ... More

Berkeley Half Marathon Race Day

Berkeley Race Day Checklist: Important Details to Help You Enjoy the Berkeley Half Marathon Race Weekend

The Berkeley Half Marathon is quickly approaching. This weekend, November 18th and 19th, runners will flock to Berkeley, California to participate in what is shaping up to be an awesome race and an even better experience. Many different events will take place during the race weekend, and with so much going on, here’s a Berkeley race day ... More

Learn from past races to run across the finish line voctorious; woman finishes the race in first place

Learn from Past Races: 5 Tips on How to Review Your Race to Improve Your Performance

Running continues to be a popular way to stay fit and socialize with people in your community. You might feel good during social runs and decide to step it up and sign up for a race. Chances are, the first race you try to complete will be a real challenge, with plenty of areas you can improve in. The good news is you can take your experience ... More

A run with family and friends

Run with Family and Friends! How to Make a Group Run an Exciting Outing

We’ve previously talked about how to find running buddies in your community and ways you can keep yourself motivated when training for a half-marathon. But what if there aren't any running groups nearby? What if the motivation well keeps running dry? There's another solution: run with family and friends! Running is both a great way to ... More