31 results for author: Pavlína Marek

Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs: Why What You do Before and After a Run Matters

As the summer heat abates and the soles on our running shoes wear out, the calendar continues to tick towards race day. (We’re now less than 3 months from the start of the Berkeley Half Marathon!) The closer you are to a race, the more you focus on hitting your mileage. However, the run itself isn't the only thing you should ... More

5+ Ways to Gamify Running and Make Your Workouts More Fun

Motivation can be an incredibly fickle thing. It comes and goes on a whim; it can let you dive in and work towards your goals or leave you wondering if it’s worth putting the effort in right now. Trying to find the motivation, even for things you want to do, can sometimes be a challenge. If an immediate reward or good feeling ... More

Cheap Workouts: How to Get a Great Workout Done on a Budget

Working out can get expensive quickly. Either you’re paying for a costly gym membership every month or you’re spending hundreds (possibly thousands!) on home workout equipment. Thankfully, there are many ways you can cut down on these expenses. Whether you have a tight budget or are just hesitant to spend that much money, ... More

Running in Hot Weather: 3 Ways to Make It Work & Keep Your Body Safe

While many runners are still enjoying cooler weather, many others are starting to (literally) feel the heat. Some will have to deal with warmer weather only temporarily during the summer months. Others deal with hot weather running year-round, living in climates that never quite seem to give in to lower temperatures. Wherever ... More

Running with Music: How your Tunes can Help You Train

Think about the last movie or show you watched that had a training montage. What about that video game you played that included an action sequence? Chances are pretty good that the scene was accompanied by a song—and not just any song, but something upbeat, inspiring, with a quick tempo, or at least a moderate one. Did it ... More

How to Reconcile Training with a Physically Demanding Job

I’ve been joining a friend of mine at the gym for a few months now; they’ve been training hard and I had decided to join them for some extra motivation. Working out with friends increases accountability, and that had been the case for me, too. However, a few weeks ago, my friend started a new job where they’re on their ... More

Good Morning, Sunshine! How to Become a Morning Person, Plus The Benefits of Running in the Mornings

Chirping birds. Droplets of dew. The sun, just starting to peek above the horizon. These are the hallmarks of an early morning of a bright new day. If you’re like me, however, the idea of actually waking up to see all this might sound like torture instead of serendipity. However, maybe you, just like me, are also curious ... More

“Am I Really a Runner?” Yes. If You Run, You are a Runner

Running has remained one of—if not the—most accessible outdoor exercises since it became a popular sport and recreational activity around the 1960's. (Of course, running existed before the 1960's. However, after it stopped being necessary for the sake of survival and before it experienced its rebirth in the 20th century, ... More

Can Exercise Make Up for Sleep Deprivation?

Modern life is busy. Most people are in go-mode from the time they wake up until just a few hours before they go to bed. Work and school, friends and family, personal hobbies and goals,... the days are already simply too short to squeeze it all in. Then you need to make time for two of the most important things that keep you ... More

Running in Bad Weather: 6 Tips to Help You Stay Safe

As winter tries to hold onto its power, the season of rain, wind, hail, and snow might start taking its toll on many runners' training schedules. Now that the New Year high has worn off, it might be harder to stick to running, especially when the weather takes a turn for the worse. On top of that, many runners are starting new ... More