Virtual Half Marathon

Price: $34.98

Virtual 10k

Price: $34.98

Virtual 5k

Price: $34.98

Can’t Make It This Year? Run Virtually!

How Virtual Races work:

Can’t join us in Berkeley this fall? Run with us virtually with a 5K, 10K, or Half Marathon.

  1. Choose your race and register!
  2. Track your run and upload your virtual results (upload links will be sent in November) post-race.
  3. Pro-Tip: Complete your virtual race during any other in-person event; one run, two completed races. Just report your results!

Prices include race fee and all associated platform fees. Final purchase price may change due to additional item purchases and/or discounts.

Race details subject to change

What you get

Virtual runners score a Participant Shirt!

Shirts will be shipped post-race


Have additional questions? Check out the Berkeley Half Marathon Help Center

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Can’t Make It This Year? Run Virtually!

How the Virtual “Coincidental Race” works:

What is a Coincidental Race?: Did you know that you can coincidentally complete and compete in two races at once? Run your virtual Berkeley Half Marathon race during any other in-person or virtual event; one run, two completed races. Just report your results or turn on our tracking app. Two birds, one stone, what a coinkidink!

  1. Choose your distance from a 5K, 10K, or Half Marathon and register.
  2. Download our Tracking App (See Below for App Links)
  3. Follow the instructions in the Connect & Claim email, which will be sent to all Virtual participants in November 2024.
    1. You can run your Virtual (with our race app) race anytime before PST (U.S.) and Monday, November 18th, 12:00 PM PST.
    2. Don’t want to use the app? You can simply submit your finish time instead!
  4. Check the leaderboard to see where you rank against other runners across the globe! (Link to post results and view the leaderboard will be emailed out with virtual instructions)

Age division scoring will be based on your age as of November 19th.

The Berkeley Half Marathon Virtual Coincidental Race Fees:

5K: $29.99

10K: $29.99

Half: $29.99

How Virtual Races work:

Can’t join us in Berkeley this fall? Run with us virtually with a 5K, 10K, or Half Marathon.

  1. Choose your race and register!
  2. Where do you rank? You will be able to upload your virtual results post-event. A link will be sent to you in November.
  3. Pro-Tip: Complete your virtual race during any other in-person event; one run, two completed races. Just report your results!

The Berkeley Half Marathon Virtual Race Fees:

5K: $29.99

10K: $29.99

Half: $29.99